Dimka 8q

Hi, I am Mukhammaddin Zinaddinov, but my family calls me Dimka for short. I am an aspiring polymath and will be using this website as a platform to structure and share my ideas, interests, and hobbies.

I was named after Dinmukhamed “Dimash” Kunaev, First Secretary of Kazakh SSR. He was a pleasant, down-to-earth person, so I’d like to be more like him. In Kazakh culture, we say that a person should strive to be good in at least eight different arts, and we call that ideal “cегіз қырлы, бір сырлы” (8Q). The origins of this ideal have never been clear to me, but it sounded like a noble pursuit and it gave me a meaningful direction very early on in my life.

While studying technical disciplines, I always felt a sense of structure, something that the world around at that time lacked in my perception. Kazakhstan has been undergoing very rapid economical, cultural, and political transitions where the “rules” were changing all the time. I wanted to take that fleeting sense of structure that was familiar to me through mathematics and sciences and find something similar in the world around me. 

I will be writing about my observations of the world around us on this website. When I can, I try to reason from the first principles. I also try to ignore the boundaries between the disciplines because such modulation is inconvenient when trying to explain complex phenomena. Be the judges of these observations and I hope it will be helpful or at least interesting to you!